
Heaven is the Mission!

Welcome to my little blog world! (You can read more about my original purpose for blogging over at my first blog, Only By His Grace.) I have decided it is time to separate my homeschool related posts from my reflective posts. I hope you will find some helpful resources and ideas here at Teaching Toward Eternity.

Why the name? The answer to this question goes along with my very purpose for homeschooling. My husband and I have been through many changes and challenges along the way in our (15 year) homeschooling journey. Our two oldest children received just about every kind of education out there! When we were first married I thought my husband was crazy for even suggesting the idea of homeschooling. My opinion quickly changed once my first child began school. I don’t think I could even say (back then) exactly why I felt called to homeschool when we decided to make that transition, but I just knew it was what I needed to do. (I say "I" because my husband and I were not always in agreement with this and it did cause some battles. Ironically his opinion had changed as well. We switched sides!)  Truly, the real reasons I believe God has placed homeschooling on my heart have only become fully known to me in recent years. 

We are not just raising our children to be healthy, well-functioning adults. We are raising them to have a strong foundation in the truth of who they are in Christ. With all the pressures and distractions in the world they would have such a hard time living this truth daily if they were in school. They need to breathe air that speaks this truth. They need to live this truth daily. We homeschool for many reasons but this by far this is the most crucial. Our mission in raising our girls is Heaven and an eternal relationship with The Father. Of course we fall short every day. Homeschooling is crazy challenging. We all get in each others way and fail to be Christ-like but we continue to try to live in His truth each day. Being home gives us greater ability to keep this focus.

My husband and I believe if our children have this strong foundation they will be better equipped to face the world as adults, their convictions firmly in place. We keep them home to give them the ability to live our faith freely without the distractions of the world. 

Thank you for joining us on the journey as we teach our children with Eternity in mind.
Blessings to you,

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